Programmes & Fees
YKY programmes are on different life topics, interesting, actual and useful. The respective groups oftentimes look like study circles / children's' study-halls.
Groups of YKY programmes:
Ekoum (Eco-mind): eco programmes:mindset and skills for eco-life and eco-symbiosis;
- CultH: cultural heritage and history;
Languages cross-border; roreign languages studies;
Verbal Arts: creative writing and shared, artistic reading;
Eco-IT: information technology for eco-people.;
Spiritual: for man's spiritual side and development;
Fine Arts: Painting, Sculpture, eArts and Wood Arts;
Music and Dance: part of Performing arts;
Combined: it covers several or all other programmes.
The YKY-programmes available so far, be they active, "sleeping" and future (to-be programmes), can be reviewed by clicking in the gallery below..
Enrollment in the programmes and formats of YKY is through format-packages purchase .
The fees listed in the table below are for one learner in a YKY-group of 10 learners for a 4-week period.
Fees differ depending on:
Number of learners in the group
The fees in the table below are for one learner in a group of ten;:
The total fee for the programme is divided by the number of learners.
Number of weeks in the chosen prepaid package:
There are duration discounts:
- 5% for eight prepaid weeks;
- 10% for twelve prepaid weeks;
Whether there is or not at least one Yk involved
Yk involvement means 70% higher programme fee, however it is absolutely worth it in a number of cases..
At the same time an assistant, who is an expert in the learning, psychological and orientation aspects, is always attached to a YK-group=
The participation of Yk, set in advance and reflected in the format packages prices in the table below, cam be changed from time to time. In case of changes, we comply with the commitments and deadlines already agreed with Yk,
Eco character of a programme
Eco-programme fee is 20% lower.
Table Breakdown of fees for eco-programmes by groups with different number of learners-
The breakdown fees listed will be 20% higher for non-eco programmes.
№ | Тема съкратено | Език раб | Цена | Възраст | УКУ-формат | Ниво | Груп-размер до | Ден 1 | ~Старт дата | Груп-статус | Ук | Аси |
21 | 21 Сеем си лимец 2024 /
DIY Einkorn Seeding 2024 | BG RU EN | 0 | 16+ | ГМУК | - | 10 | Пет/Fri | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
20 | 20 Нашите еко-животни /
Our eco animals | BG RU EN | 17 / 57 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | - | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
19 | 19 Еко-топло /
Eco-warmth | BG RU EN | 17 / 57 лв | 18+ | ГМУК | - | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
18 | 18 3.В-УКУ (пенсионерска) /
3.A-YKY (Retiree) | BG RU EN | 17 лв | 60+ | 3.В | - | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Не/No | Роза Б. |
17 | 17 Автентичен БГ песенен албум /
Authentic BG songs album | BG RU EN | 0 | 16+ | УКЛУБ | - | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Не/No | Роза Б. |
16 | 16 eEco-symbiosis 18+ Yr. /
еЕко-симбиоза 18+ г.. | BG RU EN | 17 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Не/No | Роза Б. |
15 | 15 eEnglish for eco-adolescents
еАнглийски за еко-юноши | BG RU EN | 17 лв | 10+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Не/No | Роза Б. |
14 | 14 еАнглийски за Х-гимнастички /
eEnglish for R-gymnasts | BG RU EN | 20 лв | 10+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Не/No | Роза Б. |
13 | 13 еАнглийски за ХГ-треньори /
eEnglish for RG-coaches | BG RU EN | 20 лв | 18+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Не/No | Роза Б. |
12 | 12 еРаботилница по Wix-сайтове /
eWorkshop on Wix-websites | BG RU EN | 20 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Роза Б. | Роза Б. |
11 | 11 еАнглийски в занималня за юноши
eEnglish study-hall for adolescents | BG RU EN | 20 лв | 10+ | ДОРИ | В1+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Роза Б. | Роза Б. |
10 | Ук-любими организации за учене / Yk-favorite learning organisations | BG | 0 | 18+ | ГМУК | С2+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
9 | 09 Проверки по тракитe-българи /
Checks on Thracians-Bulgarians | BG EN | 20 / 68 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | В1+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
8 | 08 Междукултурен еАнглийски /
Intercultural eEnglish
| BG EN | 20 / 68 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Роза Б. | Роза Б. |
7 | 07 Домашно еко-електро /
Domestic eco electricity | BG EN | 17 лв | 18+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
6 | 06 Пермакулт-начало /
Permacult beginning | BG EN | 17 / 57 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
5 | 05 Пасивна оранжерия /
Passive greenhouse | BG EN | 17 / 57 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | А2+ | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
4 | 04 Екоум-начало /
Ekoum-beginning | BG RU EN | 17 / 57 лв | 18+ | ГМУК | - | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
3 | 03 Паневритмия и етика+ /
Paneurhythmy and ethics+ | BG RU EN | 0 | 18+ | ГМУК | - | 20+ | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Гост-Уки | Роза Б. |
2 | 02 Балканска ЮНЕСКО мисия /
Balkans-UNESCO mission | BG RU EN | 20 / 68 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | - | 15 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Роза Б. | Роза Б. |
1 | 01 еАнглийски трансгранично 16+ г. /
Cross-border eEnglish 16+Yr. | BG RU EN | 20 лв | 16+ | ГМУК | В1+ | 10 | Пон/Mon | 06/01/2025 | Ще | Роза Б. | Роза Б. |