About YK - Learning Creatively
Creative learning (YK) connects you with like-minded people:
Helpers experts: Yks, assistants and others, who have practical experience, achievements and willingness to share them
YK happens in a natural way:
You get familiar with the topics by reading, hearing, watching...;
You associate the newly learned with yourself;
You creatively process the newly learned in a variety of ways, repeatedly and in different contexts;
You share your learning experience with the others. talk about it, and get feedback;
Your mistakes, numerous at the beginning, gradually decrease to an extent that you perceive as a learning success.
YKY principles
Humanity and naturalness;
Democracy and accessibility;
Interconnectedness with capacity for self-sufficiency;
Reciprocity (equality) and privacy;
YK benefits the learners (Ls):
Informal learning and orientation within small groups (3-10 Ls);
A way of non-formal education for both adults and children;
Support for transitions between private livelihoods and/or the World of work (professions), or within each of them;
Fulfilling your dreams of trying your hands at pursuits/occupations;;
Sharing hobbies and entertainment.
YK benefits the helpers:
Chance to share your expertise and support learners in your spheres of competence;
Socialising in a creatively learning eco-community;
A way to make an extra living.
Influences and Models
YK in the eclectic YK-school (combining various influences) is based on ideas, forms and methods of learning from the following main models:
Montessori and Waldorf schools;
Suggestopedia, the theoretical statements of the linguist Stephen Krashen, and the independent learning practice of the polyglot Steve Kaufman;
Summerhill and Sudbury Valley Democratic Schools ;
"Paths" Learning Space - a Bulgarian democratic school;
MOOC - massive open online courses;
The educational IT experiments of Sugata Mitra - computer scientist and educational theorist;
Vocational guidance: some ideas and practices.
John Holt and his "How Children Learn" book
Some original solutions in YKY:
Eco-orientation through learning creatively;
Three degrees of deepening in occupations or topics of individual choice of the learners: TOE (Try out every YKY activity possible), PAD (Pick and dig) and Dive ;
Making a direct connection between individualised learning and life occupations (pursuits, sciences and professions) - YKY only helps from "behind the curtains!;
Open approach to learning content: individual choice of learners;
"Outsourced" creation and storage of intros (introductory learning content - intro-projects) ;
Sysprotem - systematised programmes of themes introduce more system in the free learning;
JORI-bihours (two hours) - YK study room ala Montessori.